Our Other Sites
Here is a list of the other websites which we operate. You will find
lots of interesting things. There are many free on-line tools and resources
for webmasters. Get a free website with unlimited space at our own domain,
. Play free java and flash arcade and action games and puzzles. Find loads
of free offers and trials of software and other goodies. For webmasters,
small business owners and computer users there are free articles to read.
Download freeware and shareware, also free java scripts and CGI Perl scripts.
Read about strange and unusual events in history. Laugh at the jokes and
funny stories. Be amused by the funny quotes made by famous people.
Here is the list of sites - these are all owned and operated by us.
- Get a free website with unlimited space. Unlike some free hosts, we
encourage you to have banner ads and affiliate links on your pages. FTP
or file manager uploading. It is simple to transfer or duplicate a complete
site from your existing host. If you have never created a webpage before,
there are templates to help create your own website. Short URL - your-name.janim.net
The Free Information
& Resource Site - Loads of free information for webmasters,
small businesses and computer users. Also, free java games for you to
The Free Fun & Games Site
- Loads of free java and flash games for you to play.
The Strange
& Unusual, but True, Site - Fascinating true stories, Murphy's
Law, great mistakes and lots more.
Fascinating Facts
- This site has loads of fascinating and interesting facts from around
the world.
Webmaster Help
- If you have your own website or are planning to start one, this is where
you will find the help that you need.
Arcade Games
- Play free Arcade games.
Webmaster Help
- Help and information about installing CGI on your website.
Webmaster Help
- Free tools and resources for webmasters.
Webmaster Tools
- Free on-line tools for webmasters.
The Free Information &
Resource Site 2 - Loads of free information for webmasters, small
businesses and computer users. Also, free java games for you to play.
Famous Quotations - Famous
quotes and other interesting things.
Freebies - Freebies and other free offers for everyone.
Strange - Lots of strange events happen in this world, here are just
some of them.
Free Web-hosts - The place to find a free host for your website.
Anything - Loads of free and trial offers.
Famousquotes - Actors, politicians and other celebrities are always
making speeches or announcements, here are some of the strangest and funniest
qoutes from them.
Freeware - Freeware for you to download.
Strange Facts - As it is often said, "Truth is stranger than